Is It Code Compliant?

It seems that the more you larn about home ventilation, the more holes through your roof together with walls y'all stop upward alongside. Some holes, like your bath fan vent, are unavoidable, just the same may non live truthful for your makeup air vent.

While drawing makeup air from the exterior is the most common method (together with arguably the best), the attic may be a feasible in addition to legal choice, depending on your setup as well as how you lot weigh the pros as well as cons of this approach.

The IRC does not prohibit pulling makeup air from the attic. It says that makeup air tin can come up from exterior as well as/or live transfer air, which is air pulled from another place in the household.

Makeup Air and the IRC

The International Residential Code (IRC) is the i that nosotros wait at for domestic homes (excluding apartment buildings). It is applicable in all American states in addition to territories except for Wisconsin.

IRC regulations pertaining to makeup air are scattered through several chapters of this document. For instance:

  • Section M1503.6 considers makeup air too exhaust equipment for domestic cooking appliances. If at least ane fuel-burning appliance exists inward the abode’s envelope and at that place is a 400+ CFM exhaust system acquaint, and then makeup air is required.

  • Section G2407.four dictates that makeup air is needed when exhaust fans, clothes dryers, or kitchen venting systems impede other appliances’ functioning. We assume this to hateful gas appliances considering that is the discipline of chapter 24.

  • Section G2407.9.i says that makeup air is required when gas appliance combustion air is supplied mechanically.

Wooden modern design kitchen with stove, range hood and makeup air

However, every bit far equally I can say, at that place is entirely i section inward the IRC where it talks virtually where this makeup air can come up from.

Section G2403 provides a definition of makeup air, which includes the fact that it can be drawn inwards from the outside, it can live transfer air, or it tin live made up of a mixture of both.

What Is Transfer Air?

Transfer air can basically be defined equally air that has been supplied to a room from an open space inside the family.

Typically, this open infinite will need to be supplied amongst air relatively freely through openings alongside the exterior or connections to the HVAC organization.

Taking Air From the Attic Is Not Prohibited

So, when looking at the IRC sections described above, in that location doesn’t seem to be anything that indicates makeup air coming from the attic is prohibited.

In add-on, air coming from the attic would autumn into the category of transfer air, which is part of the Definition of makeup air.

That being said, in that location are ii things to see earlier going ahead with this approach:

  1. It may live prohibited by your local codes. Local codes make the IRC fully applicable inward each land, which has differing laws, climates, economical standing, etc., too local codes trump the IRC when it comes to which code to follow.

  2. There are distinct problems as well as benefits to drawing makeup air from the attic. You must decide what you are willing to alive with or handle.

Problems With Makeup Air From the Attic

Attic Air Can Get Hot

One affair that is important to live aware of is that the air within attics can get real hot. If makeup air is brought in from the attic, hot air might be getting pumped into the abode.

Pulling hot air into your conditioned rooms tin can negatively bear on your ain comfort.

wooden empty attic with light

Attics tin can achieve temperatures over 100 °F in the summer. Pulling hot air into your conditioned rooms can negatively touch on your own comfort.

Furthermore, it’second not just your comfort that would live affected. The influx of heated air into a temperature-regulated zone would besides campaign your HVAC organization to run harder to maintain the temperature at which your thermostat is gear up.

Imagine leaving your windows open up on a hot solar day just withal running the air conditioning. It’second a like scenario with attic makeup air.

The outcome would live greater free energy utilisation, which is non rattling eco-friendly, and higher utility bills at the stop of each calendar month.

There is however another drawback to this situation, one which is slightly less obvious just tin can plow out to be the well-nigh inconvenient and costly.

The harder your HVAC system industrial plant, the shorter its lifespan is. Your repair/replacement timetable will shift upwards as well as you lot may have to fork over hundreds or thousands of dollars long before yous should be.

Dirt in addition to Insulation Fibers Pulled Into Room

Makeup air from an attic could likewise force inward undesirable debris.

An unfinished attic would accept an especially high gamble of letting insulation in addition to dust go pulled into the living areas of your domicile if this is where your makeup air was coming from.

Not alone is this annoying to anyone who has to make clean upwardly the mess, merely it could too movement problems for the occupants’ wellness.

Fiberglass, a mutual form of habitation insulation, is made upward of fibers that are fairly unsafe when inhaled.

Fiberglass insulation lines attics, and in the instance of unfinished attics, the insulation may be uncovered. As such, it would live quite slow for fibers to be brought into the room/infinite along alongside the makeup air.

Fiberglass insulation fibers that are inhaled can damage lungs as well as drive respiratory problems.

A like problem can arise with the dust together with debris that power live pulled into the dwelling house. Such things could drive allergic reactions in addition to cut down the quality of i’s health, specially if y'all take animate being/insect infestation problems.

Wooden empty attic with fiberglass insulation

Outside Pressure Affects Attic Air Pressure

Storm patterns tin create negative pressure level cells exterior of homes.

Negative pressure level is most common with adverse weather similar snow storms, thunderstorms, in addition to pelting. However, conditions that isn’t typically considered “bad” tin as well convey negative pressure level with it. Days that are cloudy together with overcast or but very windy could as well create areas of negative pressure level.

Ventilated attics, 1.e., attics exterior of the building’sec envelope, are easily affected past these external pressure cells.

Air e'er wants to move from a signal of higher force per unit area to a signal of lower pressure. If a storm kicks upward in addition to creates a negative pressure level arrangement outside, so air in the attic, which has a comparatively high pressure, is pulled out through the ventilation openings.

This has a double event on the exhaust organisation that is supposed to be supplied alongside makeup air from the attic.

Firstly, makeup air cannot live pulled from the attic into the room containing the exhaust organisation because it is already being pulled exterior.

Secondly, the attic volition be at a lower pressure level than the residuum of the household and volition, therefore, describe air from the household. This tin significantly worsen the drib inward air pressure level that your makeup air is supposed to live remedying.

This tin create just about serious problems for the rooms that involve the makeup air, including backdrafting of combustion appliances, increased product of carbon monoxide, gurgling too smelly drains, together with pitiful exhausting capacity.

Finished Attics Are Too Well-Sealed

Attics that are finished shouldn’t live used for makeup air because they are also good-sealed. They do not freely communicate with the outdoors, which agency that the air y'all take away to live used every bit makeup air is non readily replaced.

You volition, essentially, be exhausting air from your attic as well as creating a necessitate for makeup air to live supplied to this room, as well as inwards the process, yous are unlikely to live supplying reliable together with sufficient air to the room containing the exhaust organization.

Possible Benefits of Using Makeup Air From an Attic

Can Warm the House During Winter

In the colder months, warmth from the attic may be a welcome improver to the makeup air beingness supplied to a room.

While they won’t achieve the same temperatures as they do inward summertime, attics are even so warm inward the winter because all the hot air inwards the home yet naturally rises.

House in winter with hot air rising in the attic and a makeup air provided in the attic down to the rooms

On the other paw, if the outside air is much colder than the air inward the attic, the oestrus quickly moves downwardly the temperature slope, existence lost to the outside air.

You’d accept to assess your climate together with household setup to run into if y'all would benefit from this or non.

If yous do, warm makeup air will add to your comfort without the added cost of heating the incoming air, together with without increasing the strain on your HVAC organization.

No Holes in the Roof or Wall

Makeup air systems that convey inward air from the exterior demand a hole cutting into the roof or a wall. Makeup air from the attic alone requires the creation of holes inside the menage.

While this mightiness not audio much more appealing, it can really make a big divergence.

Holes through your walls or roof are susceptible to leaks as well as they can too human action equally convenient pathways for insects or animals.

While unfinished, ventilated attics are non fully sealed against the elements, they are far more than protected.

If you intend well-nigh the sum of pelting that tin leak into your menage through a vent leading outside compared to the total from a vent leading to fifty-fifty a leaky attic, in that location actually is no comparison.

Might Be Easier to Access for Repairs

Depending on the setup of your attic, how the roof is configured, and the location of the makeup air duct, repairs power live easier when makeup air comes from the attic rather than exterior.

First of all, the ductwork is likely to be shorter. The less ductwork you lot accept to deal alongside the less there is to train issues.

Then, if problems do pass off, peculiarly with the vent, and so you don’t accept to climb your roof or discover a really tall ladder to access the side of your home with. You can simply pop into the attic and brand repairs or perform maintenance, even if it’second raining.

Moreover, if in that location is no straight access to the outside, at that place is less weathering of the makeup air vent, which too extends its lifespan.



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